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420 SCIENCE Rezblock XL Will Make Your Bong Live Longer

Utilise 420 SCIENCE Rezblock XL to extend the life and cleanliness of your water pipework. This ground-breaking solution keeps resin out of your bong so it stays clean and working after each use. Just a few drops of Rezblock XL put to the water in your bong form a layer of protection that greatly minimizes resin buildup and simplifies cleanup.

Because Rezblock XL is made entirely of natural ingredients—including fruit extracts—it is not only safe to use but also ecologically benign. Because this composition is so concentrated, each bottle lasts longer, providing excellent value and reliable protection for your smoking equipment.

Perfect for regular smokers who appreciate efficiency and cleanliness, Rezblock XL keeps your bong in perfect shape and improves the whole smoking experience by preserving pure, unadulterated flavors.

  • Up to 120 uses per bottle
  • Contains fruit extracts, vegetable glycerin, purified water, citric acid
  • Won’t affect the taste
  • Just a few drops needed with every water change
  • 30ml of solution


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