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Taste the energizing THC KISS THC Cocoa Biscuit Sativa Dominant

Savor the delicious, chocolatey flavor of THC KISS THC Cocoa Biscuit, a Sativa-dominant treat made to stimulate your senses and your thoughts. The exact amount of THC injected into each cocoa biscuit gives you an upbeat, creative boost that’s ideal for igniting your social life or pursuing your artistic dreams. The rich, gratifying flavor of cocoa melds perfectly with the delicate herbal undertones of the cannabis to produce an opulent and energizing snack. Ideal for morning or afternoon enjoyment, these biscuits are a great friend for someone wishing to add a little sweetness and motivation to their day. THC KISS Cocoa Biscuit is a tasty approach to include cannabis into your busy lifestyle whether you’re working on a challenging project or just having a relaxing day.


1 Pack


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